Thursday, June 02, 2005

Back Again

For various reasons, we at the Blasphemy Blog have not been able to post anything here for the last week and two days. Well, a lot can happen in a little over a week, and we acknowledge that we are way behind. Oh, what we would have written if we'd been able...

We might have had something to say about the irony of some of Nixon's old guard going on TV and saying how betrayed they feel the finally-identified Deep Throat betrayed them and their President. We at the Blasphemy Blog would have said something like, Sorry guys, but you did it first. Mark Felt betrayed a President, but you and that President betrayed a whole nation.

We might also have written about the Vice President of the United States being "offended" by Amnesty International's report on abuse in American military prisons. We would have pointed out that we're not sure that a man whose delicate sensibilities are so easily offended has the intestinal fortitude to be the Vice President. After all, if reading reports about abuse in prisons offended him, just imagine what the actual pictures of actual people being tortured did to him, when he saw them. We bet he just went through the roof. Because we all know that reporting abuse, even if it is offensive, can never be as bad as actually committing abuse, right?


Tomorrow, we will go back to writing about what we think about what's going on now, as opposed to last week.


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