Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Milestone

This is our 100th post here at the Blasphemy Blog. Looking back on our output, we are astonished that we actually had that much to say. Who knew? Not us.

Is there an overall theme to our discourse here, or are we simply saying whatever comes to mind? You be the judge. Here is a brief sample of the points we have made in our first 100 posts:

Tyring to pie your way to peace, love, and understanding is just a waste of delicious pie.

A little revolution may be a good thing, but it's hard to have only a little revolution.

It's sort of human nature not to like poor people, but it's also really wrong, and we should resist the temptation.

There is a God, but we don't get Him.

We love America, but we don't get it.

Most ninjas are Japanese, but some ninjas are Chinese.

Molly Ivins is awesome.

Australia is awesome.

Nanotechnology is awesome, but also scary.

Torture? Not so awesome.

It was worth it to try not to say mean things about the President, but then he made us angry and now we do it all the time.

War is an uncontrollable engine of death, the ultimate rejection of our own humanity and the humanity of those we fight. It is to be avoided at all costs, denounced at every turn, and conscientiously abstained from by all people of principle. We're not saying you're evil if you clock the guy who beats up your sister; we're not saying you should let someone get up in your face. We're saying: if you find yourself in a position to shoot someone because a sergeant, commander-in-chief, government, or country music singer told you to do it, you should not do it. It's wrong.

Basketball? Very awesome.

There. Imagine what we'll have to say in the next 100.


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