Monday, July 17, 2006

Signs of the Apocalypse

The President of the United States has a simple solution for the current crisis in the middle east. (Not the Iraq one. The Israel/Lebanon one.)

Meanwhile, those who anticipate the Rapture feel closer and closer to being beamed naked up to heaven.

Serious people are contemplating the possible beginning of World War III.

But we at the Blasphemy Blog are not worried. Well, no more than usual. The continuing violence in the Middle East is awful, but it is also continuing. We see no particular evidence that this awful strife is any worse than the awful strife of last year or the year before.

Nevertheless, as is our role as irresponsible pacifists, we will be pointing out the things that are rotten about this particular awful strife. There is the sad re-re-occupation of Gaza by the Israeli army. There is the glee of warmongers everywhere as they celebrate the fact that at last their side is killing people again instead of negotiating and compromising. And, as always, there are the pictures of people who have been blown up, shot, or crushed.

Nonviolence is out of fashion these days. War is way cool these days. And the beat goes on.


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