Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Demon Baby Gave Mel the Booze

We at the Blasphemy Blog did see the Mel Gibson Jesus movie in the theater when it came out two years ago. We had heard that it might be anti-Semitic but we had also heard that then again maybe it wasn't. We didn't really think we'd like it (and we were right, as it turned out), but we wanted to see it anyway because we thought it might be interesting.

It was only sort of interesting. It was certainly creative of Mel to include a surprise guest appearance by Satan, but we enjoyed the original, non-Satanic version better. And the demon baby was just weird.

Overall, though, there was nothing in it for us. We are just not the kind of Christians that believe the pain Jesus suffered on the cross is the most important part of the story of Jesus.

The movie actually ended up shaking our belief in Christ here at the Blasphemy Blog. It made us wonder if we were wrong to go around calling ourselves Christians. But we guess we were in the minority, so if the film injured our Christianity but inspired a greater commitment among a larger number others, we guess things worked out in the end as far as the zero-sum of it goes.

We can't all be winners, after all. Someone has to stick around to get eaten by the demons when the Rapture comes.


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