Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh It's On

It sounds like Texan feminist Amanda Marcotte would be open to debating Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View over the merits of the morning after pill. Now that's a debate we at the Blasphemy Blog would like to see: two youngish women discussing this newish pill, a pill whose existence and potential use most closely affects youngish women.

One of the youngish women is a rich quarterback's wife, and the other is a, well, she's got a web site and opinions about women's biologicals and whatnot. So maybe it's not a fair match, in terms of famousness. (Also it is not a fair match in terms of blondeness.) But we'd just like to put this idea out there, to ABC, because, well, we don't watch The View, as we don't have a TV, but it seems like a place for women to discuss important issues. So put them together and let them discuss it, because man did you not get close to discussing it in enough depth on that recent episode of The View.


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